- If you get a sextorsion email from Microsoft, don't act on it - WindowsReport.com
- Sextortion - Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal
- Sextortion - Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal
- Sextortion (sexual extortion) scams - Victoria Police
- Meta Announces New Measures to Combat Sextortion Scammers - Social Media Today
- Missing brother of ex-Karnataka MLA Mohiuddin Bava found dead; police suspect blackmail and extortion - The Indian Express
- Government welcomes slight increases in employment - EBNewsDaily
- Justice for Jordan DeMay - WZMQ
- Scammers are using pictures of your home to amplify sextortion threats - Mashable
- “Hello pervert” sextortion scam includes new threat of Pegasus—and a picture of your home - Malwarebytes Labs
- Sextortion Scams Now Include Photos of Your Home - Krebs on Security
- How can children be protected from online sextortion fraud? - The Guardian
- Sextortion guides and manuals found on Telegram and YouTube - The Guardian
- Sextortion: What Kids and Caregivers Need to Know | Federal Bureau of Investigation - Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Parents need to talk to their kids about this online danger right now - Mashable
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Vídeos destacados
La especialista estadounidense Parry Aftab entrevistada sobre la sextortion en la cadena MSNBC (16/08/2010):